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Aug 28, 2009



Hey! I think I can do this one! ~Lanie

Jacqueline Acevedo


Megan C.

Thank-You. I have been looking for a pattern like this! I just failed at making my first sock, and I wanted something quick and easy to give me a break before I start again. THANKS!

Rebecca Wellington

Help! I love this washcloth. But on row 3 I only can see 33 stitches not 43. What am I doing wrong? Please answer. I want to take this on a vacation because it is small to transport
Thank-you in advance


Becky, I think I know what might have messed you up (entirely my fault, the pattern directions are kind of unclear).
On row 3, you purl 5, knit 4 together, then you yarn over, knit 1 (6 times) (So, YO, K1, YO, K1, YO, K1, YO, K1, YO, K1, YO, K1). It looks like you must have YO and then Knit 6 giving you 33 stitches. Does that make sense?
I'm going to make a quick edit to the pattern so it might be better understood.
Thanks for your comment!


This is a beautiful pattern. It has been added to my list of Items to Make


I love this pattern!!!!!! I have only been knitting for a few months- I'm a little confused about row 3-where it says k4 together- I've done k2 together- but I can't actually get 4 stitches onto the needle at one time- let alone complete the stitch- any advice/suggestions???? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you *sidenote- love your comments about This American Life! I'm a huge fan*


Thanks Chelsea! I'm glad you like the pattern. I don't really have any advice for you on the k4 together. You really have to fit all 4 stitches on your needle and complete the stitch like you would k2 together. Maybe your tension is too tight. ?? Try knitting a little looser and that should make it easier. Also, I suspect you're using cotton yarn for the dishcloth. Cotton is hard to knit with because it just doesn't stretch or give at all. I don't know what to say...just keep at it!
Thanks so much for your comment. Happy knitting!


Chelsea, I had the same problem. Try using a small crochet hook. It worked for me, but it will slow you down a tad. Hope this helps!

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